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    This is a good case of how the desire of an IT company to automate the enterprise gave life to a new revolutionary ERP-product


    JetSoftPro is a bright representative of the IT services industry, a company that has faced many challenges that will befall any medium-sized IT company in one way or another.

    In the active development phase, JetSoftPro managed using a wide range of software products, after all, like most businesses in Ukraine. A number of programs for financial and management accounting in a magical connection with Excel reflected in a semi-automatic mode the approximate state of the enterprise.

    2017. With Russia’s military aggression in eastern Ukraine in the background, the company 1C, a monopolist in the Ukrainian market of accounting software, is threatened with a ban in Ukraine as a Russian software product.

    Similar software solutions of Ukrainian developers were imperfect and often did not meet the requirements of current legislation. Foreign systems, on the other hand, require significant investments in adapting to the Ukrainian realities of doing business and are significantly more expensive to use. As a result, the need to find an effective replacement for 1C and unify enterprise management into one system has become even more urgent.


    Introduce an enterprise management ERP system, capable of unifying everything in one program and abandoning a set of unrelated software solutions, a modern, flexible platform that can scale and change in the context of rapid development and adaptation of the company to external challenges.


    The requirements for the new system were extremely ambitious. ERP should combine the functionality of a set of specialized programs, ensure interaction between them, meet international standards, business processes of the enterprise and at the same time remain flexible to any changes and open to new modular extensions.

    The team had a difficult task: to transfer a huge array of various data from other systems to the database of the new platform and configure the new system in accordance with the company’s business processes.

    Preliminary analysis has shown that a significant number of processes need to be formalized, as strict reporting systems require clear definitions and logic of interaction. Therefore, at the stage of implementation of the new ERP, it was necessary to carefully study all the processes in the company.

    Ukraine’s tax legislation changes frequently, and the modern ERP system must quickly adapt to the ever-new realities of accounting, without requiring significant efforts on the part of each company that uses this ERP. We all know about the significant changes in 1C, which Ukrainian companies are forced to make every time the state legislative or tax bases change.


    The BJet team with its experienced specialists in financial, accounting, and personnel management analyzed the data structure and existing business processes in the company.

    The result was the construction of a single system based on ODOO -‒ an open-source solution with a modular structure with flexible customization. This decision allowed it to improve the new platform with additional functionality for financial and management accounting, which corresponds to the legislation and features of the Ukrainian IT environment.

    During the implementation of the new ERP, the BJet team together with JetSoftPro completed a number of business processes of the company, migrated and structurally consolidated data from other systems. As a result, the new platform has been fully adapted to the needs and specifics of JetSoftPro’s business.

    The platform, called BJet, is in a cloud environment and is available with an internet connection anywhere, 24×7. It is ready to connect new modules and customize existing ones with adaptation to new business processes of a modern, confidently developing enterprise.

    BJet made it possible to import data, add logic to modules and create new ones using the Python programming language. The platform can be integrated with other external systems and services through the API.


    JetSoftPro has transferred accounting and business management to a single system ‒ BJet. The company stopped using semi-automatic reporting in Excel and abandoned 1C accounting.

    The system is serviced by only 2 people. Visual complex analytics and graphs allow you to see the business in real-time. Various analytical sections of the real state of the company allowed us to make effective decisions quickly. BJet allows us to see the efficiency of employees, project downloads, benchmarking of possible employee involvement, payroll peg to the exchange rate for each employee individually, as well as performance indicators for the specified parameters.

    Also, each employee of the company can see in his personal account all the relevant information (personal data, time logging, payroll, vacation, sick leave, corporate ads, etc.)

    The amount of operating work and the cost of raising resources to adapt to tax changes have been significantly reduced. The system is fast, reliable, safe, and constantly evolving like a living organism. Now the company sees its business online.